Part of our emphasis here at DRM Productions is that we want to be your “one stop shop” for all of your media and communication needs. Our client Shoot-A-Way has placed their full trust in us and our mission, allowing us to work with them on multiple facets of their business.
Shoot-A-Way manufactures the most advanced basketball shooting machine in the world. NBA teams, top colleges, and the best high school coaches use “The Gun.”
A company with a reputation like Shoot-A-Way deserves nothing but the best when it comes to things like their website, programming, video, and photography production. That’s why they chose us to take care of all of these needs.

Build-A-Gun is a mini app that we created for Shoot-A-Way that allows customers to fully customize their Gun, updating the appearance live on their website as they make changes. This allows customers to immediately view what their custom Gun will look like with their team colors and mascots applied to the design. Additionally, the Build-A-Gun app automatically logs the customer interaction to their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application, which enables Shoot-A-Way to centralize their interactions with their customers in one location. It also allows for retargeting which will add a cookie that could lead to strategic ad placement for the customer following their visit to the web app. The Build-A-Gun app is a front end web application which means everything is automated, from sales to production. One piece of software that fits seamlessly into their website automates their CRM, email marketing, production imagery, social media sharing, and email notifications. This custom piece of software that we created has helped Shoot-A-Way earn their recognition as the top brand in the basketball shooting machine industry.
In addition to the Build-A-Gun web application, we built their API (Application Programming Interface) for their Gun 12K. This particular API supports three different apps (the Gun itself, the leaderboard, and the Gun 12K website) and works to communicate and manage the data between them. The leaderboard application allows users to log in and find detailed information on their shooting statistics. In the first 8 months of its existence, it was responsible for managing the data for 18,326,621 total shots and 9,495,568 total makes.
While much of our work with Shoot-A-Way consists of programming, we also have completed countless projects on the creative end of their work. For example, we have filmed and edited drill videos that are featured on their website and can be viewed by users as an educational way for them to improve their use of the Gun, as well as for marketing to see the product in action at top tier d1 schools. In addition to drill videos, we have also filmed and edited “hype videos” for Shoot-A-Way, a fun and creative way to show off the product to their target audience.
Finally, we’ve also photographed and edited both product photos and action photos for Shoot-A-Way. Whether it’s showing off a product as large as the basketball shooting Gun, or getting in on the action of basketball itself, we have the ability to shoot and edit photos in a professional way to meet Shoot-A-Way’s needs.
Shoot-A-Way is an incredibly unique business that has incredibly unique needs when it comes to programming and media. While our staff may not be made up of any basketball fanatics, we always make it a point to learn our client’s business inside and out to produce the best content to fit their needs. By developing a strong relationship with Shoot-A-Way, we have been able to use our programming, videography, and photography skills to accurately and effectively represent their brand through all forms of media content.